§ 1-3. General penalty and continuing violations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Whenever in this Code or any other ordinance or resolution of the municipality or any rule or regulations promulgated under the provision of the Code, any act is prohibited or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor or the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, where no specific penalty is provided therefor, any person who shall be convicted of the violation of any such provision of this Code or other ordinance or resolution of the municipality hereafter enacted or of such rules or regulations shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300 and/or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding 90 days by suit or prosecution before a Municipal Judge.
    Every day any violation of this Code or any other ordinance or resolution of the municipality or any rule or regulation promulgated under the provisions of this Code shall continue to exist, it shall constitute a separate offense.
    Any person upon whom any fine is imposed in any action for the violation of an ordinance, upon order of the court convicting him, be ordered by the court to work for the municipality at such labor as his strength will permit and designated by the municipality. Such work shall not exceed eight hours for each working day. Each offender shall be credited with $5 per day toward the reduction of his fine.